How to Take CSS to the Next Level

Computationally generating the semantics of a web page—the HTML—has become the standard modus operandi on the web. No serious web developer writes by hand the HTML that their server sends to the browser anymore; invariably, some template engine or other generator intermediates, removing tedium and adding flexibility and power. The same thing is slowly happening to the presentation layer as well—the CSS. This article discusses the high technology that can be brought to bear on computed web layout and styling, both as an advertisement for some impressive existing tools and as a call to action for toolsmiths to fill the gaps I observe.


Compute with Variables and Functions

Variables and functions are essential tools for writing anything in any language, and it is high time CSS acquired them. The world has known how to implement subroutines for over fifty years, and lexical scope for nearly forty, so it is with great pleasure that I refer the gentle reader to SASS and Stylus. Each is a polished, productized tool that finally makes CSS an actual language, and all you have to do is insert a code generator into your workflow.

I haven’t actually used SASS or Stylus much myself, but I’ve looked over the documentation, and I am impressed with how careful they both are to just drop in to a develper’s existing workflow. Standard CSS is valid input for either of these tools and compiles to itself. Additional constructs like variables, functions, arithemtic, and so on are all resolved completely during compilation, producing normal, standards-compliant CSS. Even your web server doesn’t get any additional load from your using one of these tools, and the user’s browser is certainly none the wiser.

I salute the work that Stylus and SASS represent and the benefits they bring. I have, however, nothing to say about the technology that makes them possible—as far as I can tell, everything there is pretty standard, well-tested programming language stuff. Buckle your seatbelt: the ride is about to get wilder.

Read the DOM

Every web developer is painfully aware of the problems caused by their audiences viewing their web pages on screens of wildly different size and resolution, and now even different precision of interaction (mice are way easier to aim with than touch screens). Every web developer is also painfully aware of the impracticality of developing completely separate versions of a web page for each possible device—it’s tons of work, and keeping them in sync is a nightmare.

Responsive web design is a philosophy of trying to build single web designs that, by incorporating appropriate points of flexibility, automatically and gracefully adapt to being viewed on various devices. If styling is a real language, why not introduce magic variables whose values depend on the user’s context? It would make responsive design so much easier!

A JavaScript Runtime can do Anything

If one goes the JavaScript route, it becomes possible for responsive design to respond not just to gross features of the user’s device, such as the width of their screen, but to subtle consequences of the user’s choices. For example, suppose you want to adjust the style of some piece of text depending on whether it fits on at most two lines:

That depends not only on the width of the screen, but also on the font size (which the user can change), the actual font (which will depend on the fonts available on the user’s system), and the decisions made by the browser’s hyphenation, justification, and line breaking algorithms. No pure-CSS design can be that responsive—there aren’t enough media queries for your CSS to be able to discern all these relevant variables, even if you could simulate the browser’s rendering engine well enough to decide at compile time what to do in each configuration.

Such responsiveness can, however, be implemented with a JavaScript runtime system that, on window load and other relevant events, examines the rendered metrics of appropriate DOM elements and adds or removes appropriate styles in response. There are nice efficiency problems here, for intance to decide which properties of which elements need to be inspected under which circumstances, and which computations ought to be redone in order to decide which properties to adjust.

Take Functional Reactive Programming to the Web

One direction in which the JavaScript path can lead is full-blown functional reactive programming on the web. In brief, functional reactive programming (FRP) starts with viewing user inputs as either time-varying signals (like the position of the mouse) or chronological event streams (like mouse clicks). The big idea is that functions written as though they operate at a single instant in time can be lifted to operate sensibly on these signals, and the job of updating state (which would normally end up being a mess of callbacks) can be handled smoothly and automatically by the runtime system. A classic example would be writing code that looks like

and having that compile to some JavaScript that causes the item with id mouse-follower to follow the mouse around on the screen—without the developer writing any callbacks or mouse event handlers.

I know about two tools that implement FRP for the web, which I highly recommend you check out: Flapjax and Elm. I haven’t had a chance to use them myself, but the backing technology is really cool. On the other hand, I expect them not to be as polished as a SASS or a Stylus—functional reactive programming is a more recent academic development than something as basic as subroutines, and I know that Flapjax at least was born as a research project rather than explicitly a product (though it may have evolved since).

In a sense, FRP-on-the-web subsumes reactive web design. A toolkit that makes it really easy to write rich user interfaces that smoothly update themselves in response to mouse movements, keystrokes, gestures, and clicks should be great for the task of writing user interfaces that smoothly update themselves when the user changes the width of their screen or the size of their font—just make those things be variables also, instead of hardcoding your expectations for them.

In a different sense, the needs and constraints of reactive web design may make web-FRP overkill. FRP worries about high-frequency events like the whereabouts of the user’s mouse, which require all sorts of fancy technology to react to efficiently, both at compile time and at runtime (no way to do FRP on the web without JavaScript, and plenty of it!). Reactive web design, on the other hand, is interested in things that change rarely or even not at all during any given page view—screen width, font size, pointer precision—but expects extreme performance and portability. Being able to run on lots of devices is the point, so why rule out devices that can’t or won’t execute JavaScript fast enough, or even at all?

Compile Magic Variables to Media Queries

It seems to me like there is a technology gap between Stylus, which emits pure CSS but offers no support for adjusting the presentation based on the user’s context, and Flapjax, which can react to anything at all, but needs a JavaScript runtime system to even work.

Perhaps one could augment Stylus (or another tool in the same niche) to permit a limited set of variables whose values are semantically determined by the user’s browser. If such variables only affect the actual layout through conditionals, then it should be possible to compile them to media queries. For example, a variable called %width% could, semantically, always be set to the width of the window viewing the page. Then the developer can write something like

to suppress a 100px wide element if the user’s window is too narrow for it. The media query implementation of that segment could look like

Note that even this feature needs more than a completely brain-dead syntax translation because the media query appears outside the selector, and part of the style does not depend on the media query. Of course, proper variables should also be able to participate in functions and arithmetic and such, so the following ought to work for disappearing an element that should be 100px wide but should occupy no more than half the screen:

Such a thing ought to turn into

Implementing such magic variables properly seems to me to call first for symbolically evaluating the stylesheet with respect to unknown values of the magic variables (in order to detect the conditionals they participate in), and second for solving the inequalities those conditionals represent to discover the points where the stylesheet’s behavior changes. Those points can then become the values that the media queries compare against. I imagine that constant-coefficient linear inequalities ought to be enough for the needs of web UIs, so this is eminently doable.

Compile More Magic to Many Queries

A more sophisticated thing would be to allow the magic variables to influence the actual values in the stylesheet. For example,

would specify a full-width viewport with a 9x16 aspect ratio; which I do not think is possible with standard CSS, because a height cannot be specified as a percentage of a width.1

I doubt such a feature as this can be implemented perfectly with media queries or any other pure-CSS mechanism, but a jaggy version could be done with no JavaScript. To do it, compute (at compile time) what the style should be for every value of %width% between 0 and 3000px in 20px increments, and use media queries to select the one of those that best matches the user’s window. Choosing those constants ought to be manual, because it exposes a trade-off between resolution (how close to the user’s actual window width the layout gets, and how jumpy the transition is as the window is resized) and the size and rendering speed of the resulting stylesheet. It would be appropriate to use something like symbolic evaluation to detect which variables do not, in fact, affect the layout in a continuous way, so that effort is not wasted on sampling them like this.

Solve Linear Constraints

The things that CSS allows a designer to control conveniently aren’t actually the things that are important about a layout. It doesn’t really matter that some div is 397px wide; what matters is that the layout’s two columns should be the same width, and they should fit into their container side-by-side, with a gap between them.

A general way to say that is that we want the elements of our presentation to stand in some relationships with each other (such as being the same width); and much of the thankless part of web design is about achieving those relationships with the available tools (such as specifying exact widths for things). Wouldn’t it be better to just spell out the desired relationships, and let the computer figure out how to arrange things to satisfy them?

This phenomenon is not specific to the web, and there has been a steady trickle of research on so-called constraint-based interfaces over the years. One system of note is Cassowary, a linear program solver designed with the needs of user interfaces in mind. Specifically, the solver is incremental, in the sense that it has algorithms for very quickly updating the solution to an already-solved a constraint system under small changes (including adding and removing constraints). Such re-solving corresponds to updating the UI in response to user actions. The solver also supports constraints of varying priorities, where the low-priority constraints get violated if the system as a whole is otherwise unsatisfiable. Graceful degradation like that is critical for smoothly handling unexpected or extreme situations.

Constraint-based interfaces seem like a really good idea to me, though as far as I know, they have yet to really catch on. Maybe the block was that putting even a little constraint into your design used to require shifting your whole system to use one of the constraint-based UI packages, I don’t know. Apple seems to be incorporating this technology, though.

A JavaScript Runtime can do That, Too

What might constraint-based layout with CSS look like? There would of course need to be some syntax for specifying constraints and preferences; the example of two columns and a separator might look like this:

require(#left->width = #right->width)
require(#left->width + #right->width + #gap->width < #container->width)

And then there would need to be a constraint solver such as Cassowary somewhere that computes solutions.

In fact, there are projects focused on reimplementing Cassowary in JavaScript and using it for web layout. Permit me to augment my earlier recommendation: Check out Grid Style Sheets too. It’s a compiler that transforms constraint-CSS to instructions for a JavaScript runtime system to measure the relevant aspects of the DOM and solve the constraint system. The runtime uses Cassowary’s algorithms to incrementally update the solution as DOM variables change. As of this writing, it looks like a very new project, so you would get “all the rights and privileges” of being an early adopter.

Note that the expressive power of Flapjax (and Elm) is probably not comparable to that of GSS. GSS allows the UI to be specified with declarative, potentially cyclic and over-specified constraints that are automatically solved, whereas Flapjax and Elm require the developer to decide on the order in which values are computed and write down functions defining each variable in terms of earlier ones. On the other hand, Flapjax and Elm can handle variables of all types, including discrete values and event streams, whereas the Cassowary algorithms that GSS is based on only solve linear programs, so cannot operate on discrete variables. This divergence is not an accident: solving acyclic systems like Flapjax or linear systems like Cassowary is asymptotically fast, whereas cyclic systems of discrete equations are in general NP-hard. I will get back to this.

Aside: I imagine that Grid Style Sheets does not do either of the following optimizations, so there may be a good opportunity to improve its performance, perhaps considerably. First, the browsers’ existing layout engines already solve certain kinds of constraints natively. For example, position: absolute; top: 5px constrains a UI element relative to its enclosing element. Presumably everything would be more efficient if the compiled output represented whatever constraints it could in terms of ones the browsers can solve natively, and relied on JavaScript only for the unavoidable cases.

Second, given a fixed DOM and stylesheet, it should be possible to partial-evaluate the JavaScript constraint solving engine with respect to the actual constraints it is to solve. If this works, the residual ought to be pretty efficient (especially since the optimization loop should be implementable as an asm.js module). Then again, this may not be so easy, because JavaScript elsewhere on the page may do things like add or remove elements that match the given selectors, changing the constraint set that needs to be solved.

Intermezzo: Constraint Programs always Guess Right

The presence of constraint solving machinery enables a very powerful and liberating programming style. A tiny amount of linguistic support suffices to allow the developer to call forth unknown quantities (say, lengths) whose values will be determined by solving the constraints:

With this feature, coding feels like you can ask your program to guess, and depend upon it always guessing right (to wit, in a way that satisfies the constraints, which can appear later).

Standard programming requires the developer to diagonalize the system of constraints in their head before writing the program.

Guessing and constraining is important as a programming style in part because it allows a new form of modularity: the unkown values can be created and used in one part of a program (module, if you will) and constrained in another. In other words, some of the relationships that some variable participates in can be spelled out before the value of that variable could possibly be known. Standard (read: imperative, functional, or object-oriented) programming styles, in contrast, essentially require the developer to diagonalize the system of constraints in their head before writing the program, so as to be able to write code that computes each value before it is used. This is bad not only because it is work, but because such diagonalization impedes modularity by having to span what could otherwise be module boundaries.

Solve Static Constraints at Compile Time

Grid Style Sheets shares with Flapjax and Elm the potentially undesirable feature of requiring a JavaScript runtime system to work. As discussed above, this imposes weight—on the developer’s toolchain, on portability, and on the user’s ultimate experience with the page.

There is, however, no reason to solve all the constraints that may appear in a stylesheet at runtime. If we return to our example with the two columns,

require(#left->width = #right->width)
require(#left->width + #right->width + #gap->width < #container->width)

this system could be solvable completely statically if the gap width and container width are specified elsewhere in the stylesheet. In this case, a CSS preprocessor occupying the Stylus niche could just solve that constraint system at compile time, and emit pure, JavaScript-free CSS with the solution embedded in it. It could even be done with an off-the-shelf external linear program solver (like Cassowary!) running on the developer’s desktop.

Some degree of responsive design could be injected into this with the many queries trick: if you have a constraint system whose solution depends on the width of the user’s window but not on anything else about the user’s environment, you could solve it at compile time for each possible value of that width (up to some resolution), and emit media queries that choose among stylesheets embodying the various solutions depending on which point the true value is closest to. An incremental linear program solver would offer a substantial benefit to compilation times here.

Solve Discrete Constraints, Too

My feeling is that linear constraint satisfaction is great, but for serious styling and layout design, developers really want constraints on discrete variables too. With such technology, making a navigation bar appear across the top or down the side depending on where it fits could look like this:

Solving systems of guesses like this translates into an instance of the boolean satisfiability problem. If such discrete variables interact seriously enough with the linear variables (for instance, turning linear constraints on or off, or doing something depending on some inequality over linearly-constrained variables), then it’s a case of mixed integer-linear programming.

Even though in general both of these problems are NP-hard, in practice I cannot imagine any sane layout having enough embedded guesses to stymie any self-respecting SAT or MILP algorithm. An adequate algorithm for batch-mode solution of one layout-sized system of linear and discrete guesses would not be at all difficult to implement.

If the constraints on the guesses do not reference any client-side parameters (in any way that may affect the solution), the compiler should just solve the system (maybe with an off-the-shelf solver, even) and emit CSS specialized to the answers. If the validity of the guesses depends on client-side values only in a discrete way, it may be feasible to compute all the relevant regions of parameter space by a symbolic evaluation mechanism and emit CSS that checks what region it’s in using media queries. For systems where that wouldn’t work, but for only a few client-side parameters, it may also be possible to use the many queries trick to produce jaggy but JavaScript-free CSS output.

It is not clear to me that the other implementation strategy, namely putting a full mixed integer-linear program solver into a JavaScript runtime system, would be a very good idea. There are no fast algorithms for solving MILPs. Worse, I don’t know of any incremental algorithms, namely ones that can quickly adapt the solution of one MILP to solve a similar one; and re-solving the whole layout every time anything changes could be prohibitive.

Then again, it could also be just fine. Flapjax, Elm, and Cassowary uniformly do not do this partly because they were all intended to support very interactive user interfaces, where computing the layout had to keep up with the user typing and moving their mouse. A tool whose goal is just responsive web design and constraint-based layout may well afford to solve a modest mixed integer-linear program once on page load plus every time the width of the user’s window changes.

Explain Solutions of Constraint Systems

With power comes responsiblity. A constraint-based version of CSS such as I have suggested brings the possibility for a whole new kind of bug: systems of constraints that are accidentally unsolvable, or ones that cause the compiler or the runtime to choose a solution that was not what the developer intended. Debugging such sitations, even with just a couple dozen constraints, could easily turn into a nightmare.

Therefore, I think it would be quite important for any CSS tool along these lines to provide debugging support, specifically in the form of explanations. There should be some appropriate interface (perhaps accessible only in code generated with a “debug” flag or something) that lets the developer select some element and ask “why is this here?”; or indicate some variable and ask “why does this have this value?”. The answer to this kind of question consists of the relevant constraint(s) that forced the variable in question to its value. Often, constraints become forcing only because of the values of other variables, so a recursive explanation may be necessary. Such explanations also apply to the question “why is this constraint not satisfiable?”

Implementing linear or integer solvers that actually pay attention to the sparse structure of the problem and use it to explain the solution would be both nontrivial and an advance.

Making such explanations would actually be some amount of work. Formalisms like linear programming and integer programming culturally assume the problem is dense: there are variables, there are constraints, and both the formalisms and the usual algorithms assume that every variable might as well appear in every constraint. In practice, though, actual problems tend to be pretty sparse: usually any given constraint will only touch a handful of variables, and any given variable will only participate in a handful of constraints. So the question “why did this variable get this value” actually has a richly structured answer: only a handful of constraints were immediately relevant, and an only somewhat larger handful of variables were relevant to those constraints, etc.2

It may be possible to recover the sparse structure of the problem by augmenting the solution algorithm to record, in some appropriate datastructure, the pieces of information each of its solution actions depended upon. Then, reading the relevant portion of such a dependency trace backwards may constitute a reasonable explanation for a given part of a solution. Then again, it may even be possible to construct explanations just by examining the solution and the problem—the value of x in the optimal solution is this because trying to increase x would voliate constraint foo, given the values of y and z; the value of y in the optimal solution is that because, etc. It may also turn out that compelling explanations require a mixture of both techniques, or that one kind of technique works well for discrete systems and another for linear ones. In any case, implementing linear or integer solvers that actually pay attention to the sparse structure of the problem and use it to explain the solution would be both nontrivial and an advance.

Take CSS to the Next Level

If you are a practicing web developer, you can take your own web designs to the next level by trying one of the tools I have been talking about. In the case of Flapjax, Elm, or GSS, it may take some time to get used to the design possibilities they offer, but once your mind has been stretched by that new idea, I do not expect it to ever regain its original dimensions.

As a recap, here is the space of tools as I see it:

Feature space of existing next-level CSS tools.
Feature Stylus Flapjax GSS
JS-free usage yes no no
Continuous Computations yes yes yes
Discrete Computations yes yes no
User Functions yes yes no?
Responsiveness no yes yes
Reactivity no yes no?
Linear Constraints no no yes
Discrete Constraints no no no
Explanations of Results no no no

The Stylus column goes for SASS too. The Flapjax column goes for Elm too. Question marks mean that I am not sure because the documentation isn’t clear enough to definitely rule a capability out. “Responsiveness” means taking into account low-frequency client-side values like the user’s window width, whereas “reactivity” means also taking into account high-frequency ones like mouse position.

If you are into making tools as well as web design, one way you can help take everyone else’s CSS to the next level is to take one of these thoughts and implement it, either in an appropriate existing tool, or, if that doesn’t fit, a new one. As a recap, here’s the project list as I see it:

  • Augment the compiler in any tool to symbolically evaluate style rules with respect to media-queryable variables. From this, detect regions where behavior changes, and extract the boundaries of those regions to media queries.

    • For SASS or Stylus this would provide support for responsive web design.

    • For Flapjax, Elm, or GSS, this could improve performance, by offloading some of the work the JavaScript runtime has to do to the browser’s native rendering engine.

  • Augment the compiler in any tool to numerically evaluate style rules with respect to media-queryable variables. Do this covering some value region at some resolution, and emit media queries that select a rendition of the style sheet based on the nearest sample.

    • This goes anywhere that symbolic evaluation goes, to handle situations where the variable influences the answer in a continuous (rather than discrete) way.

    • Down sides: the resulting experience will be jaggy, and the process may emit large stylesheets with many media queries.

  • Augment the compiler of GSS, Flapjax, or Elm to partial-evaluate the constraint system or the functional reactive network into the runtime system. If this works, it should improve the runtime performance, perhaps considerably. It may not work, however, because the constraint system or the functional reactive network may not be static enough.

  • Incorporate (incremental) linear constraint solving from Cassowary into Stylus, SASS, Flapjax, or Elm, to handle linear constraint layouts in the context of any of those tools.

  • Incorporate a functional reactive engine like Flapjax or Elm into GSS to handle reactivity to discrete variables.

  • Incorporate satisfiability solving or mixed integer-linear programming into any of the above to extend their domains to handle linear and discrete constraint layouts.

    • It may be appropriate to limit the scope of discrete solving to constraints that depend only upon low-frequency variables. Full mixed-integer linear programming may be too heavy-weight for interactive interfaces, but may be lightweight enough for responsive constraint-based layouts.
  • Implement generation of on-demand explanations into anything that solves constraints. Such explanations should be a godsend for debugging constraint layouts.


  1. It may be possible to implement this particular example using the calc and attr functions from CSS3, if attr is willing to return the value of a computed attribute like the element’s height. I did not manage to make it work in Firefox 23, however, so there is scope for doing this in a preprocessor. When attr becomes stable, it could perhaps be retrofit as a backing technology.

    Also, the semantics of this particular example is that this #screen should be the full width of the user’s window regardless of the width of its containing element; but CSS percentages don’t do that. So, to make this happen without constraining the markup, attr would need to be able to capture the value of the width of one element and use it in a calculation in another element. There may be a good reason for attr not to be able to behave like that in any near future at all: with such flexibility in attr, it becomes easy to ask the browser to solve systems of equations, and retrofitting that ability into existing layout engines may be quite difficult. More on systems of equations later.

  2. In fact, it is quite possible that in the layout setting, groups of constraints will even turn out to be completely disconnected, so that even a complete explanation of what’s going on with a given variable may not need to mention the entire layout.